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IIT Physics by Anand Praveen

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Price : 2500
About this course
Language : English Sub Title : NA Class : 11th

Learn physics from Patna's best teacher Mr. Anand Praveen sir (MSc in Physics). Parmanu classes has an excellent track record of more than 70% success rate in IIT JEE & NEET. Join the journey with Parmanu classes.

Course Specification
16 Chapters
10 Notes
7 Test series
34 hours 35 min
Course Syllabus
A dimension is a measure of a physical variable (without numerical values), while a unit is a way to assign a number or measurement to that dimension.
Introduction to vector, Definition of vector, Qualitative analysis of vector, Quantitative analysis of vector, Representation of vector,
Addition of vector, Importance of addition, To measure vector addition, Triangle law of vector addition, Parallelogram law of vector addition, Find the value of vector using triangle law General method of triangle law, General method of parallelogram law, Illustration to find minimum magnitude
Rectangular component of vector, Addition of three vector using component method, Component of vector B along vector A, Illustration based on component of vector, Find angle between two vector, If magnitude are equal then find the resultant vector, If resultant vector are given then find the angle between two vector
Introduction to vector subtraction, How to subtract vectors, Representation of vector, Subtraction of two vector having same magnitude, Use of subtraction of vector, Utility of subtraction of vector, Concept of subtraction illustration,
Introduction to multiplication of vector, Multiplication of scalar and vector, Multiplication of vector and vector, Introduction to dot product, Dot product of two vectors in component form, Illustration to find dot product and find its angle, Find actual angle using dot product, Find component of A in direction of B, Application of dot product, In How many ways velocity may change, Explanation of ways in which velocity may change, How to find angle between vectors, Tangential acceleration, Radial acceleration, Misconception of dot product, Calculate the work done, Physical significance of getting work done positive, Physical significance of getting work done negative, Work done by gravity, Work done by Normal,
Trigonometric ratio for vector, Addition of vector illustration 01, Addition of vector illustration 02, Addition of vector illustration 03, Addition of vector illustration 04, addition of vector illustration 05, Relative velocity and relative position, Velocity of approach, Minimum separation, Time of conversion, Importance of vector, Rain drop moving man problem concept, How man must move to get rain drop vertical, How man must hold umbrella to protect himself, Find velocity of rain drop,
Motion & Observer, Linear & Angular Motion, Misconceptions of Linear Motion, Types of Linear Motion, Kinematics & Dynamics,
Position Velocity & Acceleration, Rate of Change, Average Rate of Change, Instantaneous Rate of Change, Difference b/w Average & Instantaneous, Rules of Differentiation, Calculation of velocity, Calculation of acceleration,
Graphical representation of Average Velocity, Slope of a line, Tangent at a point, Understanding Velocity & Acceleration using slope,
Integration Illustration
Graphical Representation of Integration
Motion in Straight Line
Motion in Plane
Projectile Motion
Examples of Projectile Motion
Projectile on Inclined Plane
Newton's Law of Motion
fluid, any liquid or gas or generally any material that cannot sustain a tangential, or shearing, force when at rest and that undergoes a continuous change in shape when subjected to such a stress. This continuous and irrecoverable change of position of one part of the material relative to another part when under shear stress constitutes flow, a characteristic property of fluids. In contrast, the shearing forces within an elastic solid, held in a twisted or flexed position, are maintained; the solid undergoes no flow and can spring back to its original shape. (See deformation and flow.) Compressed fluids can spring back to their original shape, too, but while compression is maintained, the forces within the fluid and between the fluid and the container are not shear forces. The fluid exerts an outward pressure, called hydrostatic pressure, that is everywhere perpendicular to the surfaces of the container.
Electrostatics deals with the study of forces, fields, and potentials arising from static charges
Coulomb's inverse-square law, or simply Coulomb's law, is an experimental law of physics that quantifies the amount of force between two stationary, electrically charged particles. The electric force between charged bodies at rest is conventionally called electrostatic force or Coulomb force.
electric field, an electric property associated with each point in space when the charge is present in any form. The magnitude and direction of the electric field are expressed by the value of E, called electric field strength or electric field intensity, or simply the electric field
electric potential, the amount of work needed to move a unit charge from a reference point to a specific point against an electric field. Typically, the reference point is Earth, although any point beyond the influence of the electric field charge can be used. electric potential
What is Electric Dipole? An electric dipole is defined as a couple of opposite charges q and –q separated by a distance d. By default, the direction of electric dipoles in space is always from negative charge -q to positive charge q. The midpoint q and –q is called the centre of the dipole.
Gauss's law for electricity states that the electric flux Φ across any closed surface is proportional to the net electric charge q enclosed by the surface; that is, Φ = q/ε0, where ε0 is the electric permittivity of free space and has a value of 8.854 × 10–12 square coulombs per newton per square metre
capacitor, device for storing electrical energy, consisting of two conductors in close proximity and insulated from each other. A simple example of such a storage device is the parallel-plate capacitor. If positive charges with total charge +Q are deposited on one of the conductors and an equal amount of negative charge −Q is deposited on the second conductor, the capacitor is said to have a charge Q.
Frictional resistance to the relative motion of two solid objects is usually proportional to the force which presses the surfaces together as well as the roughness of the surfaces.
Dielectric, insulating material or a very poor conductor of electric current.
The electricity due to the flow of electrons is known as current electricity.
Explanation of the basic definition of R-C Circuit, a charge of the capacitor maximum and minimum, charge function of time, etc
Learn about in the chapter radial tangential acceleration, Uniform(Angular speed constant), and Non-uniform, angular speed and Centripetal acceleration due to Centripetal force, etc
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